Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day Pledge: Eat Green for A Healthy You & A Healthier Planet

There was a time when our elders at home and teachers back in school used to lecture us to eat more of green vegetables. At that time, what they meant by saying "eat green" was to eat more of leafy vegetables and fresh produces to get a healthy system and a sharper mind. But now, when someone says "green eating," he/she means being environmental conscious.

Today, on 22nd of April 2010, when the entire world is celebrating Earth Day, let's take a moment and think over this issue of green eating and its significance. - Why should we consider shifting to green eating, why shun meat from our daily diet, how a change in our eating habits is going to make a difference in the nature around us? Let's take time out from our individual busy schedules, and spare a thought for all these.

The so called Green Revolution in agriculture— the widespread adoption of pesticides, fertilizers, new crops, and a range of scientific farming techniques in the decades following 1945, transformed life throughout the world, mostly for the better. But there was one thing that went against the entire scheme of things. Industrial farming had visibly bad effects on nature, and excessive dependence on fossil fuels and other natural resources led to global warming.

Though the changes are large-scale, we can still try from our ends to undo some of these disastrous effects. And the best way to start doing this, is to include certain changes in our daily eating habits:

- Avoid eating animal and bird meat, and stop depleting livestock. Depend more on plant protein alternatives such as oatmeal, green peas, spinach, and almonds.
- Stay close to the soil, stay closer to Mother Earth.
- Turn vegetarian - it is the coolest way to showcase your environmentally conscious self.
- Enjoy home cooking and home-cooked food.
- Eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetables.

These are very simple things. Start following them for a disease-free healthy you and a healthier planet on this Earth Day.

Monday, April 19, 2010

India's Budding Scientists Successfully Map TB Genome

What happens when a group of 400 odd highly motivated young scientists get together to solve one common problem? - Possibly the impossible becomes possible, and meeting even the toughest of all challenges seems like a cakewalk.

Something similar happened when recently students from several Indian universities got together to map the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome (TB genome)- a challenge thrown to them by the officials of Connect 2 Decode (C2D) project, which again is a part of a large Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) project introduced by the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) in September 2008. They got started, worked single-mindedly interacting completely though the Web, and completed mapping the genome within FOUR months! - A great feat indeed.

Mapping of MTB genome is expected to expedite the discovery of a new drug for TB, a disease which claims around 1.7 million people every year globally, one-fifth of them in India, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The TB bacterium has over the years developed resistance to the multi-drug regimen, currently being used worldwide to eliminate it. For the last five decades, there has not been any new drug discovery in this therapeutic segment, and big pharma MNCs had almost virtually given up on this issue.

Now, CSIR is hopeful that it may just roll out a molecule ready for clinical trials in just next couple of years. So, for the skeptics who have been doubting the potentiality of Indian young brigade in the scientific and academic sector, here's an eye opener. They have done it, and done it brilliantly. Kudos scientists!

Log in here for the detailed news.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chocolates for Good Health

Chocolaterians, here's a good new for all of you! If the urge of constant calorie checks and guilt feeling have been stopping you lately from indulging in your favorite food, then here's a reason for you to rejoice and break free. In a recent publication of the European Heart Journal that includes the results of an eight-year study by German researchers, it has been showed that consumption of 6 grams of chocolate—the equivalent of one square—per day, lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke in humans by 39 percent.

Besides, an analysis of three prior studies of chocolate and stroke that was conducted by the researchers from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada also indicated that eating about one bar of chocolate per week can help decrease the risk of stroke by 22 percent, as well as reduce the risk of death after a stroke. Even those who have already suffered a heart attack can benefit from the consumption of chocolate.

This is not the first time that the nutritional benefits of eating chocolate has come to light. Earlier too, there were evidences that indicated towards its beneficial aspects. Some interesting health facts about eating chocolates are:

- Flavonoid, found naturally in chocolate, works to protect cells from environmental toxins and provides an antioxidant therapeutic effect in the body.

- Flavonoids also work to reduce blood pressure and improve overall cardiovascular health.

- Chocolate contains cocoa butter that helps in regaining the lost elasticity in the body.

- Chocolate is an anti-inflammatory agent.

So, go induge in the dark delicacy of chocolates and have a blast of a time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is Dandruff in Any Way Related to Acne?

If you ever had to endure pimples or acne for a prolonged period of time, then you might be familiar with its consequences in the social circuit. One tends to go into a self-withdrawal mode and doesn't want to face the world at all with blemishes on face. Same thing happens when one experiences severe dandruff attack. Interacting with the world with tiny white flakes on head seems just so disgusting. Ever thought that these two problems could be interrelated?

- In a way, they are. Causation of both dandruff and acne is related to the basic functioning of skin pores. When openings of the skin pores are clean and clear from blockages, they operate normally. The moment they get clogged with dust particles, sebum or dead cells, complications start arising.

Dermatologists are of the view that when dead skin block pores on the scalp in the form of dandruff, pimples are created. These dead flakes from the scalp when come down to the face, they clog the facial pores by acting like dirt and cause acne such as whiteheads and blackheads. If these small eruptions are left untreated for long by the repeated use of drying shampoos or scalp treatments, the small acne turn into larger pimples, inflamed by superficial bacterial growth. The problem is further magnified when additional dandruff goes on to block more scalp skin pores.

So, if you are suffering from dandruff and acne at the same time, do try to treat the first one first. You never know using a good anti-dandruff solution might solve both the problems at one go.

Log in here for more detailed information on acne and dandruff.

Monday, April 5, 2010

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy?

Having a baby changes the life of a woman and it also changes her body to some extent. She may be surprised by some of those changes specially if she is a new mom, wondering why it takes so long for her belly to shrink, how to lose the baby weight and whether her body will ever be the same. Having a baby affects every part of woman's body and, it can take up to a year for a woman's body to make a full recovery. Find out what a woman can do to help her body bounce back and lose the baby weight in a healthy way.

-Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water each day. Replace your high sugar beverages such as like juices with some water and a squeeze a fresh lemon. You could also try flavored seltzer water which has no calories. You can cut out hundreds of calories a day this way.

-Keep healthy snacks handy like raisins, popcorn, wheat crackers, and nuts. -Refuse to buy store-bought baked goods or junk food.

-It is advised to eat lean meats such as boneless chicken and the leanest cuts of beef.

-Go through your fridge and cupboards and destroy all the foods containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, and tropical oils.

-Exercising too vigorously, too soon, can be damaging to your health. This doesn't mean you need to be sedentary - on the contrary, you should be able to start gentle exercise almost immediately after returning home. But avoid any type of vigorous exercise until after your first post-pregnancy check-up. In exercise, as in the case of your diet, be guided by your doctor.

-There is no doubt that breastfeeding burns calories. Over 600 calories a day for breastfeeding women who don't supplement with formula. 600 calories!!It's like getting two hours of aerobic exercise each day.

-Mood swing is another common symptom of moms who have recently given birth to their baby. Moreover, mood swings are caused because of the changes of hormones, as they get back to their normal. Exercise may help your mood, but you should talk to your doctor about the best way to handle your situation.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Suggestions to Improve Your Oral Health

Dental health is all about your oral care habits. Proper oral care habits can help you improve your oral health and can get you a brighter smile, as well. Here are some oral health care tips that will benefit you in the long run. Start following these tips and you will feel the difference.

-Make sure the bristles of your brush are not too firm or hard, as soft bristles are perfect for the cleaning of your teeth and are less likely to cause any sort of injury.

-It is recommended to change the toothbrush in every 3 months, as you will notice that the bristles are worn out and face away from each other.

-When you have done your teeth, try not to rinse your mouth, instead just spit out the toothpaste- this allows the fluoride in the toothpaste to have time to penetrate the tooth.

-Mouth wash work very well specially for those who suffer from bad breath as they contain an antibacterial element that will eliminate those bad breath bacteria.

-It is an important point to consider, not to eat snacks all day especially if you are suffering from tooth aches. Almost everything you eat is turned into acid by bacteria in your mouth which attacks your tooth enamel.

-Always remember that excessive intake of fluoride can harm your teeth. Being a very important element for dental health, fluoride and its levels in your body should be moderate.

-Possibility of getting a missing tooth is possible at any age. Some people never have some teeth developed, and this situation is quite frequent with the wisdom teeth, which in many cases do not appear. And other causes of tooth removal are cavities and gum disease.

-Celery and cheese are type of foods that will help maintain your oral health between routine dental checkups.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Increase Fluid Intake – Prevent Dehydration

Summer is notorious for extracting moisture from our bodies in the form of vapor. There is an extreme shortage of water and minerals in the body during this time of the year, which sometimes leads to death, a condition called dehydration. Every year during summer, this dreadful health hazard claims several lives in tropical countries like India. This year it's not going to be any different. So, before you fall a prey to this blistering heat, check out the tips on how to prevent dehydration:
  • - Water, water, and more water! Drink 10 to 12 glasses a day as the bare minimum. And don't use thirst as an indicator for staying hydrated. Just drink a glass whenever you feel like.
  • - Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages such as coffee, and soft drinks as much as possible, as they only increase the effects of dehydration.
  • - Specially formulated sports drinks work great as mineral supplements for body on hot summer days.
  • - Take more of whole fruits, specially melons and cucumbers as they are high on water content.
  • - Water-based preparations of pulses and lentils, puffed rice soaked in water, and coconut water should be take in adequate quantities to protect body from the harmful effects of dehydration.
  • - Parents, be more careful about your kids' health. Children are more susceptible to dehydration. So, make sure you are including enough fluids in their diet.