Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to avoid stomach infections in summer?

There must have been times, when you gave the excuse of stomach upset for not attending office just because you were not in mood to work, but when summer is in full swing these things become a reality. Stomach infections are a common problem that most people face during summer, especially in the tropical countries like India. The excessive heat and humidity of these regions during the hotter months of the year lead to the burgeoning of germ populations to a significant extent almost anywhere and everywhere. Result– stomach ailments in humans in various forms. While fungal and bacterial infections are the most commonly heard names in this category, viral gastroenteritis or “stomach flu” also takes a huge toll on your health. So, how to stay alert? How to keep your stomach happy during the summer months? Here you go:

Have small meals, and avoid oily and fried foods. One or two burger(s) a week is fine. But don't over indulge.

Never eat cut fruit salads from road-side stalls.

Strictly stay away from eatables if you find them smelling.

Even if you are using refrigerator, try finishing your food on the same day itself.

Curd! Have bowls of curd, but only the home-made variety.

Eat loads of melons, mangoes, cucumbers and grapes. They have high water content and hence, help to keep your stomach cool.

Carry chlorine tablets for drinking water if you are not carrying your own bottle.

Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of fluid including water - this includes your favorite smoothie as well. So ... happy?

And yes, do remember to wash your hands with soap before taking food!

Always remember, a healthy eating habit is the best way to enjoy an ailment-free happy summer.

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